Saturday, December 1, 2012

October 15, 2012

Thank you for those songs. and I´m glad you liked my letter. you can pretty much use anything that isn´t directly intended for the family as blog information.

So there´s this investigator named Heberto, and pretty much every missionary in the world has tried to convert him and failed. his wife is a member and he does everything that members do, but he didn´t want to be baptized still. so my companion and I went to him for the last time to tell him that, since he wasnt progressing, we would have to stop coming to his house.
We arrived, and we started talking about the temple and eternal families. it got to the point where i said to him, "Heberto, why do you pay your tithing?" he said, "because I´ve seen the blessings from it and I believe in it." so i pretty much went off for like 10 minutes Stormy Sheppard style about how he´s never gonna see the blessings of an eternal family if he´s never baptized, and that´s why we focus so much on it. so to stop focusing so much on how pressured you feel by the missionaries and start thinking about how you feel about your wife.

He´s getting baptized this Sunday >:)

That was my experience of the week, haha.

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