Friday, May 25, 2012

"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" (D&C 18:10)

On February 7, 2012 Elder J. Stormy Sheppard received his Mission Call to Mexico Mexico City North Mission Spanish speaking.  We are so proud of him for his commitment and determination to serve the Lord in Mexico.  The idea of learning a new language was even more intriguing.

Stormy was give a booklet to read in its entirety prior to beginning his mission.  He had to get a missionary physical, have his teeth taken care of.  Lucky for him, he has perfect teeth but he did have to have his wisdom teeth removed surgically.  He spent a couple of weeks recuperating.  He was so funny on the medication when he was trying to recuperate.  Stormy was hilarious with cracking jokes and making off the wall jokes and comments.
Stormy was not happy when he had to get immunizations related to his mission.  Stormy spent a lot of time with his friends and when his sisters wanted to spend time with him he said he knew they would be here when he returns but that he was not sure if his friends would be here.

We learned that Stormy would be reporting to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) on May 23, 2012.  Stormy continued to prepare at his leisure believing he had "all the time in the world."  Stormy received so many books on being a missionary it was probably a little overwhelming for him.  He continued to read and study his scriptures something he had been doing since he was 6 years old. 

Stormy started getting things together like buying his suits and clothing including his garments on April 30, 2012. He along with his mom and Aunt Christine went to the Mens Wearhouse and Aunt Beth and cousin Rickey showed up to assist.  Aunt Christine insisted on paying for Stormy's entire wardrobe and his garments.  Stormy was measured and received his clothing in full on May 11, 2012.  He had already picked up his garments with his mom on May 9, 2012 in preparation for taking out his endowments.

Stormy was endowed in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple on May 10, 2012 at 9:00am.  Stormy and his mom and dad were there at 7:00am for preparation.  Some of our friends including Tamu Smith,  Jamie Driessen and Hauryo Wright and Darius Gray and Kathy Hawkins were in attendance. 

Stormy's farewell was held on Sunday May 20, 2012 at 1050 hours at the Daybreak First Ward located in South Jordan.  There were over 150 people in addition to our ward families in attendance that day.  A brunch was held afterwards at the Oquirrh Park Clubhouse with meet, greet, chat and say good byes to Stormy for two years as he begins his committed service to Our Heavenly Father.

After much preparation, May 23rd arrived and we were off to the Missionary Training Center to drop Stormy off on the curb.  James, Natalie, Nataliej, Stormy, Destinae, Tasha, Aunt Beth, Rickey, Hailee, and Shae shae went to Provo and took pictures in front of the Provo Temple.  We arrived in Provo at 12:00pm noon and Stormy needed to be at the MTC at 1:26pm.  Although I had told James and everyone that he had to be there at 1:00pm that was to assure we were there early enough to take pictures and kiss and hugs before leaving Stormy at the MTC.

We all piled into my Mercury Mountaineer (10 people) and drove across to the MTC because the rule was only one car per missionary was allowed.

While he is in the Missionary Training Center you can wriite to Stormy at Elder James Stormy Sheppard, MTC Mailbox #308, MEX-MEXN 0723, 2005 North 900 East, Provo , UT  84604-1793, United States,  Stormy's email address is

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